La La Luden's Jingle Contest!

Title: La La Luden's Jingle Contest!
Begin: March 30th, 2012
End: 11:59pm, June 29th 2012
Contest info:
Prizes: Grand Prize Winner- $2,500, tickets to see one of TV'S top talent search shows, one years supply of luden's products. Remaining 9 finalists- $100 American Express Gift Cards and assorted Luden's products.
Description: Luden’s, the tasty lozenge that soothes minor throat irritation, is looking for lozenge lovers to share why they love Luden’s as part of their new contest, La La Luden’s! Fans are asked to create a video of an original jingle, upload it to the Luden’s contest website for a chance to have your jingle heard by everyone and win some BIG prizes. This is fun way to gain some exposure for yourself, plus have a chance to win!
Write an original jingle (catchy tune) about why you love “Surprisingly Soothing. Simply Delicious” Luden’s Throat Drops.
Your original song should be 30-60 seconds and can be set to music, done a capella, or as a rap. Perform solo or in a group! There are other great prizes too!

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